Saturday, May 14, 2011

More Posts

I know I'm posting an awful lot lately in comparison to usual, but I actually have more free time lately. It is so very nice to have some time to just relax, to spend extra time with the goats, and to get caught up on projects! In fact, right now I am working on a couple of belated Mother's Day gifts. One for my mother and one for my grand-mother. I didn't have any time Mother's Day week due to being a florist.

I am making them a couple of custom My Little Ponies. It is a popular hobby amongst some circles. You boil the ponies, pop off their heads, rip out their hair and rub off their paint with nail polish remover. Then you can either use the base color, or dye them. You can then paint designs on them and add clay pieces. Most people then re-hair them with higher quality hair than the original. I buy a very satiny, almost real feeling hair called "saran." It's a bit spendy but it is beautiful. I'll have to post some photos of them when I am done, even though they are not related to the goats or horses.

I thought I'd post a few more photos of Fae that I took today. She is now two weeks old and very bouncy. She is an extremely adventurous little kid. She spend most of her time in Poit's pen playing with her rather than with her dam, even though Poit is certainly no kid. But Poit loves her and tolerates her climbing all over the place.

As I said, she thinks Poit is the best play thing ever. I really love Fae, I just wish she loved me. She is terrified of me! Honestly though, I have spent very little time trying to play with her. I find that newborns need you to spend as much time as possible in that first week of life to be very accustomed to you. She was born at the worst time for me to give her that attention with the chaos of my job. And of course I had to disbud her before I had much of a chance to get her used to me, so now I'm the devil. To top that off, she had a very goopy eye yesterday. It was just covered in eye goop and glued together, so I took her inside and cleaned it up and flushed it, so she just figures I'm a beast who likes to torture her. Luckily it seems she just got something in her eye, because it is fine today. It was red and irritated last night and I was worrying about pink eye. Then my own eye tweaked out this morning and was weepy so I started wigging out that whatever it was could have somehow infected my own eye. Of course it was just my contact being mad at me and both Fae and I are back to normal in the vision department.

I have been talking to the owner of Bellafire about purchasing a jet black doe they have named Latifa. She had her listed for sale quite awhile back and I had asked about her then, but she decided she didn't really want to sell her and kept her. She put her back up for sale last week and let me know, but also said she was giving the breeder first shot at her. The breeder has not replied, so she has marked her on her website as "sale pending" to me. So I feel pretty secure in announcing that we will be purchasing this pretty doe. She is just beautiful, very dairy and angular. She will hopefully be bred to Goldenbrook Farms MR Fireworks, who is a beautiful, very wide and deep gold buck with blue eyes and moonspots. I've seen the kids from the exact same cross this year and they are stunning. I think a buck kid from her would be a very good prospect for me.

Bellafire NIC Latifa
(Poppy Patch Nicolodeon x Purple Camas Farm Zena)

She has a gorgeous udder. Apparently she does not like to show, at all, and she fights on the milk stand. Traci loves her but is very into the showing aspect and wants to find her a home where she can be a brood-doe only. I'm excited! I don't know if I'll be able to pick her up with my doeling out of Peggy or not if I want her bred because she may need a little more down time and I'd end up with kids in the middle of winter. But at this point I may end up with kids around January anyways out of Prayer, a doe I'm getting from Camanna. So I'm going to be having to set up some winterized pens in the barn anyways.

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