All of the kids are starting to go to their new homes. It is always a bittersweet time of year. Two of Dakota's kids went to their new family together a couple of days ago. I'm very happy when siblings can go to new homes together. I know they are not human and probably don't think anywhere near like we do, but its nice that they can stay with one another. The family is new to goats, but they are very willing to learn and have been doing their research. Plus I sent them home with a packet I spent hours working on for people who buy any of my goats and contact info for my veterinarian. They haven't called me yet with questions, so I assume all is going well. They sent me photos of their kids sitting in a wagon with the pair yesterday. I think the doe kid will turn out very nicely for them if she ends up anything like her dam.
I am keeping her third, and smallest kid from this year and she is a little gr
umpy having to spend her nights with her half-siblings out of Jolie. I put her back with mom during the day because I figured the extra milk will help with her growth, so she is content with that arrangement, and she is helping me stimulate Dakota to keep producing since I can't always keep an exact 12 hour interval milking schedule.

Firelight Ranch LadyNThe Water
I shaved her last week and set her up. I'm disappointed in her lack of a brisket, but aside from that I think she is shaping up to be a nice little girl, especially for the awkward growth stage she is going through. As a quadruplet she is very small for her age, but in the past couple of weeks she seems to be attempting to overcome that and start shooting up. Hopefully she'll end up a normal size, she will definitely have the nutritionally help to get there.
I sold Tomahawk today to a girl from up state. She is going to use him to cross on Nubian does and breed some Mini-Nubians. I'm actually a little jealous as I'd really love to breed some of them in the future, but I'm perfectly happy with my Nigerians. I'm glad to be able to keep a daughter of his, and hopefully I'll have one more to retain when Poit kids next month. With all the sales in the last few days, I have enough money to completely pay for Latifa and a big chunk to go towards my bred Camanna girls.
Those are all of the photos I have for now. I clipped both Dakota and Banshee today. I didn't have time to take pictures, but I should have some time on Wednesday. I had to be extra careful with their clip jobs as I have no time to allow their coats to grow out any mess ups. I had to wait SO late before the show to clip because of this weird weather, but it's definitely warming up this week. I'm so very impressed with Dakota. She looks awesome and her udder is beautiful. I can't wait to see how she does in Salem next weekend! It will be my first doe show and I'm nervous about doing things correctly. I'm also nervous about both Banshee and Jolie doing well. I've been having some reservations about Jolie, but I also feel they may be due to her going through a growth spurt. Her kids really brought her down at first, but she has put on a lot more weight and grown a bit more in the past month. Yet her rump keeps shooting up as soon as her front end catches up to it, so she still looks awkward. Her udder is very, very nice however. Banshee is so tiny and really straight in the rear legs, not enough angulation there....but she is a really nice doe otherwise so we'll see. Her problem is keeping her feet still.
I'm uber pumped for this weekend trip! Not only is it a show, but it is going to be a mini vacation for my husband and I at the same time. It is a two day show, so when I'm not in the ring or waiting on a class we can do some relaxing and sight seeing. :) I'm also bringing the last doe kid I currently have for sale. I have one woman interested and supposedly driving a whole seven hours down from Washington to the show for her, but we'll see. There is another girl who is very interested who will be at the show from the forum I frequent, but she isn't necessarily set on her and if the woman from Washington is really going to come all the way down she will have first right of refusal. She is a doll, so hopefully she finds a new home there.
I'll have another post with clipped photos of the girls soon, and show photos as well although I'll probably feel too fat to not clip myself out. Lol.
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