I just had to write another post with a couple of photos of my new doeling from Bellafire Farms. I believe she will be ready to come home in mid-July.
I LOVE her color. Those diluted, reddish markings are so wonderful! Look at her rear leg angulation. She already looks so level and long at only a few days old. She knows she is sexy, posing like that. Ha ha.
I disbudded Fae today. A bit late, but they hadn't broken the surface so I believe I caught them in time. Usually I will disbud doe kids from multiple births at a week, but singles always seem to be more developed at birth and need it done sooner. I always do bucks kid in three to five days after birth due to their horn buds already being so developed.
I got an email from Camanna today asking if I'd rather buy a couple more bred does in place of my kid reservations. I'm seriously considering it. I really like the first choice does I have selected but am not quite happy with my second choices (although they are all bred to the two bucks I really want kids out of.) It would be amazing if she would let me choose which bucks they were crossed on, and I could choose to breed one to Lucky and one to Monet. As long as they are both very nice does with nice, proven udders I would have options for a buck kid from either. Prayer is nice enough but I have only seen her first freshening udder and Moondoggie is too young to be proven as a sire yet to keep a buck kid out of the cross.
Jolie is already looking better! I shaved her almost two weeks ago and she looked pretty thin. She had such a shaggy coat this winter. I kept feeling her bone structure and it felt like she had enough fat cover, but she just looked so dang skinny after her coat was gone. She is also in a weird growth stage with her butt up in the air, so she looks really ugly right now. She was bred a bit earlier than I intended and I think her kids are bringing her down a little. Her FF udder is absolutely beautiful though. Near perfect in form and shape with a very respectable capacity for a first time mom. I moved her to my dad's house the day after I clipped her and upped her feed considerably over a few days. She is already fattening up and I hope she evens out over the next few months. She may be for sale in the future, but I want to give her a chance to mature some more before I decide. With that udder I would love to keep her in my herd. The only thing wrong with her conformationally is that her front end seems a little shrunken and is definitely downhill. If it is just a phase I believe it is something she can grow out of. She isn't quite a year yet after all.

-Jolie's udder 12 Hour Fill-
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