So many things have changed since my last post! I didn't sell Sherry. I advertised her once or twice, but no one really bit. I didn't take any photos of her udder and without a spectacular udder or a great show record, people just don't want an older doe reaching the end of her reproductive years. She has gained tremendous weight since weaning Fae and being out on free graze pasture. I never thought she was thin, but dang does she look spectacular. She is possibly bred to a buck I am leasing. I'll know in a week and a half or so if she is going to come back into heat. On the other hand, I did sell Poit. I decided that even though she didn't seem to pass crooked legs on to her kids, I wanted all my girls to be able to go into the show pen (which she just can't with those legs.) I actually traded her and her doe kid for a pair of does. Well, I ended up bringing Poit home only a month later as her new owner had issues milking her. While at the new owner's place she was rebred. She hasn't come back into heat, so I'm expecting kids from her around the middle of March. The buck she is bred to is the same buck who was bred to Sherry, Kehilan CA Final Stand:
The boy is stunning to look at. I don't think there is much that I would change to his build but for a more level rump. This photo was of him as a youngster, and he is much wider and deeper. His milking lines were supposed to be very strong from what I researched. However, I heard back from his previous owner after Sherry was already bred by him and the news wasn't good. She informed me that the udders he put on his kids were not bad, but they weren't any better then their dam's udders. I don't know what that means. And unfortunately I can't find out until his daughters freshen, which is a million years off. So now I don't know if I'm as excited as I was about him. I've seen one of his daughters and body-wise she is the most perfect doe I've ever seen, but I don't know how her udder is and I believe she was sold as a junior. I guess we'll see how it goes. I think I'm just nervous because I took a chance on a buck without being able to see any udders in his line, or by him.
I do have two doe kids by him already...the two I traded for Poit and her doe kid. Their dam is alright, but their grand-dam is fantastic. My love for the grand-dam and the build of their sire cemented my choice for them. They are full sisters. I owe the breeder a doe kid next year since I took Poit back. I've had them for probably a month now. I've decided, however, to sell one. I just don't need two full siblings if I want to keep my bloodlines diverse. They are both really well built little girls. Quinn, the small one, has stolen my heart. So Ivy, her polled sister, is the one to go.
Little Odin isn't so little anymore. His butt kept going up and then he froze in height and started bulking out sideways. He is one thick boy. Then all of a sudden he shot up in the front all at once in probably just a week. He hasn't started smelling bucky and he hasn't successfully covered the doe I have him in with, but not for lack of trying. I think that this month or next he'll get the trick. At least he'd better.
Decided not to get the does from Camanna. Instead I bought a breeding for Charry to Rhocky Rhoad! And I am FINALLY picking Latifa up on the 16th, so only five days from now. I'm incredibly excited. I've been waiting so long to bring her home!
I am probably brining home a project mare this weekend with the intention to re-sell her in the spring. Her winter will be full of mountain rides through the snow, getting her ready to be bomb proof and good to go for a beginner rider. And to introduce Charry's upcoming baby daddy: