Sunday, June 19, 2011

Just Kid Already!

Well, Poit still hasn't kidded. She was in with the buck for a week, but I'm thinking now that I put her in with him around the 16th, so she would be right on time to be due this week. I unfortunately forgot to write down her second breeding dates, so am trying to go off of memory. I've been checking her several times a day. Her udder has been large for over a week but still no progress with her ligaments. They seemed pretty soft last night for the first time, so it was the first night of getting up and doing checks. I'm prepared for several sleepless nights, and then no more kids this year. I'm glad. I will have Poit's kids to play with and will still have Fae, who I need to spend more time gentling. She has come a long ways. She doesn't mind me petting her while she is eating and equates me with grain, but if it isn't food time she still tries to run. I'd like to show her at the county fair next month, so I have a lot of work to do to calm her down enough.

I brought my new boy home last weekend. He is so very adorable and he looks like he will be a very strong buck for me. I'm most excited about the beautiful udders behind him and I really adore his sire. Introducing Camanna LI Odins Eclipse.


This is the best "confo" picture I could get of him. He would much rather be in my lap than keep his distance and have his picture taken. He has better rear leg angulation than this, but he is lacking a bit in that department. But Anna told me that before I purchased him. She is very honest and knowledgeable. He is already long and uphill and quite thick for his age. I love his extension of brisket. Thats a big deal for me as I see so many goats in the show ring lacking in that area.


I love his colors and his spotting as well. He is a buckskin, with the traditional cape and brown back end with the black points on his rear legs. Yet his front end is a really dark chocolate with gold markings instead of a normal buckskin shade. It is quite neat. He takes a bottle really well and I plan to keep supplementing him with goat's milk until the end of this month.

I sold Dakota and Lady yesterday. I feel a little sad because I'd become quite used to Dakota. However, I think she went to a really nice home with a woman who is very interested in learning all she can about the breed and about conformation. She might even get into showing them. Lady bit me before she went to her new home! She was sucking on my finger and then worked into it her back teeth and clamped down like there is no tomorrow. She absolutely refused to let go. My finger is still half numb and she cracked through the top of my fingernail and made it bleed. The little brat! Maybe she knew that in only a few minutes I would be tattooing her for her new owner. The person who reserved Westley, my last remaining wether, decided not to buy him. I have someone coming to see him this afternoon who is very set on taking him home with her. I also have someone coming from California to look at Gizmo. I certainly am doing a complete overhaul of my herd! Once Jolie has grown enough to come out of her weird stage and sell, I will only have Poit and Banshee left from my original herd! I still have Sherry whom I bought this spring and will have Fae. I have Angel coming from Bellafire in July. Then I have Latifa, Prayer and one other bred doe coming home hopefully in September or October. So I will be back up to eight does and will be retaining some doe kids from the pregnant girls along with a buck kid as well.

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