Sunday, July 17, 2011

Angel is Home! ..Possible New Mare

I intended to post a new entry sooner, but life has gotten busy. I got a new job, so now I have two part-times and this new one is promising to try and push me to one hour from full-time. Which of course will make it impossible to have two jobs, so I have to figure it out. In any case, we went and picked Angel up on the 10th of exactly a week ago today. She is BEAUTIFUL. I can't stress how amazing she is. I can't get over her diluted apricot color. She is technically a buckskin, but some gene must be working on her color to change the shade. It reminds me of a dun horse. Dun is a gene that works on top of the base color, basically diluting it.


Bellafire DC Angel Face

Her ears are still green from being tattooed. Thought I'd mention that since some people didn't know what it was. She will come to me for a sip from a bottle, and now for handfuls of grain. She still runs from me when I pet her unless latched onto a bottle. I'm sure it won't take much longer for her to get more used to me. I felt bad picking her up, because the breeder and her family loved her so much and would have loved to keep her as a part of their program. If I ever sell her I am to contact them immediately, and they have offered me a free breeding to one of their bucks on the condition that they get a doe back. It will probably be an entire year before I'll breed her, however. I haven't liked the results from breeding eight month old does at this point, but I guess it will depend on her maturity come January (the earliest I would breed her.) I think 10 months is a good number, but that would leaver her kidding in August and I don't like late summer or fall babies if I can help it. I'm not even going to worry about that right now, however. I'm just happy to enjoy her as she is and will probably leave her open so I can show her next spring as a dry yearling and hopefully earn a leg.

I got a few new photos of Jolie. She is doing great! She is growing a mile a minute and has gained a lot of weight back. I'm very glad I didn't decide to sell her and gave her a chance. Now she just needs to keep growing a little taller and start to fill out wider and deeper. Her FF was gorgeous and I'm hoping for nothing but improvement next year.


Tualatin Acres Jolie Rouge

Poit's kids are two weeks old tomorrow and are thriving. Their legs all look good. Sometimes I think I see them toeing out a bit, but their sire toed out a tad, so that very well might be coming from him. But other times their legs look perfect. I have them separated for the first time tonight from mom, so I will have udder photos tomorrow. I will also be taking new photos of Odin and some conformation photos of Angel while taking the bottle.



I finally got some decent photos of Chief, my gelding. He is actually quite a lot nicer looking, and thicker looking than the photos I snapped. I think his neck is set on a little funny and is too thick..but other than that he is built very nice. Great bone, legs and feet. I am trying to trade him for a faster mare. He is a bit on the slow side and is very laid back. I'd like something I can game on. I have three horses I am really interested in, but haven't heard back from anyone in several days. Its frustrating for me to be patient! Lol.



I have had tons of offers, but only three mares I have liked. Two require a decently far driving distance, and one belongs to a very busy friend who is having a hard time finding time where our schedules mesh so I can see her. The first mare is a dappled buckskin who is registered with the APHA but is breeding stock (meaning she has no spots.) She is supposedly going very well, but just needs more hours on her to be finished. She is still too much for her kids to handle and they want a laid back beginner's horse they can use in 4-H. They are an hour away, but over a very rough and mountainous road that really eats your gas when pulling a loaded trailer. The second is a bay mare owned by my friend and run on some barrels already. The third is a gorgeous black and white overo mare with good papers. She looks a little thin in her photos, but she is coming from a rescue ranch so I think they may have gotten her half starved. In which case they have done a good job rehabbing her, and she is going well under saddle. I'm most excited about her I think, and I've been able to track down the breeder and get some photos of her as a youngster. Her full sister is very muscular and I think she has a huge ton of potential. I can't wait to hear back from the farm who owns her so I can drive up and take a look, although she is four hours from here. She MIGHT currently be in foal to a grullo tobiano stallion as well. The foal would be registerable. I'm looking for a mare and not a foal. But if she is bred, I wouldn't mind having another baby next spring.

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