Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Kidding Season Over - Looking Forward to 2013!

We have come to the end of the kidding season here at Firelight Ranch. I'm happy to announce that Apothecary Farm Banshee Wail kidded with quadruplets! She must have caught her second cycle with Odin as she waited until July 20th. Lucky for me this was a Sunday and I was able to be there through the entire delivery. Odin has really been a "buck" buck for me as Banshee's kids tallied three boys and one girl. Out of three does, that is six bucks and one doe from Odin. I'm glad I have one doe from the little stinker to retain, however, and Banshee freshened with a huge, stunning udder. Two of the buck kids will be for sale in tact. Mom has such a shockingly amazing udder as a FF that I feel confident these boys would make amazing herd sires.


-Firelight Ranch OD Huntsman-


-Firelight Ranch OD Hawkeye-


-"Tuvok" who went as a bottle baby to a friend of mine. He will be one spoiled pet wether.-


-And my keeper, Firelight Ranch OD Valkyrie-

And...because she is gorgeous and my favorite doe, momma and her udder only hours before kidding:



We picked up Densil and he immediately got to meet a couple of the ladies. Both Fae and Winry turned up open. Fae and Sherry went on a date with my new guy and are due in December. Neither have come back in heat so I'm hopeful they caught. Normally I wouldn't breed a doe so soon after weaning her kids (Sherry's kids were weaned in May), but I would like one more kidding out of her before she retires. She is fat and sassy and in great health, having no troubles with this year's twins. So I would like to see her have her last batch before she is actually ten and starting to get "elderly." I am VERY much hoping for a doe kid to keep from my old fuddy duddy. She has had girls the last two times, so I'm hoping that it doesn't mean she has exceeded her quota. 

I am working on a breeding lease for Goldenbrook Farm MR Fireworks, sire to Yuna. He would be used on Winry, Banshee, Klover and Angel in hopes for plenty of options for retainee daughters. Poit is up for sale simply due to the fact that I can't show her and would really like to get into the show pen next year. Also, because I am FINALLY going to use my breeding to Rhocky Rhoad on my half Arabian mare this spring! So the sales price on Poit will go towards a shipment of cooled semen. ;)

And just because I like eye candy, a photo of Chardonnay (my dam to be) followed by a picture of one of Rhocky's new 2012 foals:


-Hoping to have one of THESE in my pasture come 2014! So long to wait!-

And speaking of foals, Pandora (who we fondly call Panda around here) got some nice, gangly and awkward yearling photos the other day. Her mane is so ridiculous I have to keep it braided or it tangles into horrid witches knots. Its longer than her dam's at this point in comparison to her own neck/body. She is going to have some luscious locks as an adult!



Her FACE is growing really fast along-side her legs this month. Amazingly her body has almost caught up in the short couple of weeks since I took these pictures. Ah, the crazy giraffe like growth of a yearling. She looks stupendous one minute and like all the wrong parts were glued together two days later. Can't wait for my little Pandy to be three and under saddle and filling out with all the muscle she had as a foal.